Spotlight on ESG: Unveiling the greenwashing smokescreen

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In recent years there has been a surge in demand for sustainable products, with stakeholders increasingly looking for genuine commitment to the cause. Whilst many companies have embraced sustainability and have improved the quality and transparency of their data, in our view some more spurious companies have used vague or misleading language, or even selective reporting, to create a ‘green’ illusion, whilst their actual practices and impact fall short of their claims. Some companies have also issued ‘green bonds’ earmarking proceeds for green projects, although we think it is crucial to assess the overall ESG profile of the company as a whole. In our opinion, merely labelling a bond as ‘green’ does not absolve investors from considering the broader aspects of a company’s operations. As a result, we have seen growth of the concerning phenomenon known as 'greenwashing'.

Our most recent Spotlight on ESG: Unveiling the greenwashing smokescreen webinar, hosted by Johnathan Owen, discusses greenwashing and how we look to navigate the complex landscape of sustainable claims. 

The update was followed by a Q&A session.  






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