Investment Grade

Our investment grade funds aim to deliver consistent risk-adjusted returns by limiting their investment universe predominantly to securities deemed to be higher quality and at a lower risk of default.

Portfolios are managed against a reference index or with a defined target return. The team’s high conviction approach is heavily based on managing risk and limiting volatility, while targeting relative value by geography, sector and security to deliver alpha for the portfolio.

Funds invest predominantly in investment grade, fixed rate bonds, though portfolio managers have the ability to make limited allocations to high yield bonds and asset-backed securities (ABS), if they feel prevailing market conditions mean they are required to deliver on the mandate.


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TwentyFour Corporate Bond Fund
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Investment Grade
Share class Currency ISIN Valor NAV YTD As at
Acc GBP IE00BSMTGJ19 117.48 2.79% 11 Jul 2024
I Acc GBP IE00BSMTGG87 121.31 2.90% 11 Jul 2024
I Inc GBP IE00BSMTGF70 85.07 2.89% 11 Jul 2024
Inc GBP IE00BSMTGH94 83.75 2.79% 11 Jul 2024
Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Absolute Return Credit Fund
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Investment Grade
Share class Currency ISIN Valor NAV YTD As at
AHN (hedged) CHF LU1734078154 39471995 78.74 0.75% 12 Jul 2024
AHN (hedged) EUR LU1683487620 38261757 81.60 2.17% 12 Jul 2024
AI GBP LU1267852249 29030549 87.77 2.99% 12 Jul 2024
AQG GBP LU1530788402 34854330 98.08 3.07% 12 Jul 2024
AQHG (hedged) USD LU1767065979 40241908 99.97 3.12% 12 Jul 2024
AQHG (hedged) EUR LU1530788238 34854291 87.95 2.25% 12 Jul 2024
AQHN (hedged) EUR LU1331789450 30670277 91.22 2.14% 12 Jul 2024
AQHNG (hedged) USD LU1410502493 32553207 102.54 3.06% 12 Jul 2024
AQN GBP LU1331789377 30670273 103.96 2.98% 12 Jul 2024
AQNG GBP LU1368730674 31599783 98.52 3.06% 12 Jul 2024
G GBP LU1273680238 29168014 124.16 3.08% 12 Jul 2024
HG (hedged) EUR LU1925065655 45492332 105.23 2.24% 12 Jul 2024
HI (hedged) CHF LU1599320444 36446926 98.50 0.85% 12 Jul 2024
HN (hedged) EUR LU1734078238 39472001 101.62 2.18% 12 Jul 2024
HN (hedged) CHF LU2270707495 58756780 95.30 0.76% 12 Jul 2024
HN (hedged) USD LU1767066357 40236072 115.41 3.04% 12 Jul 2024
I GBP LU1267852082 29030420 122.77 2.99% 12 Jul 2024
N GBP LU1267852595 29030838 122.33 2.97% 12 Jul 2024
Investment Grade
Share class Currency ISIN Valor NAV YTD As at
AHI (hedged) EUR LU2081486727 51133685 86.67 2.11% 12 Jul 2024
AHI (hedged) USD LU2210409616 56212864 103.36 2.96% 12 Jul 2024
AHI (hedged) CHF LU2210410036 56212872 91.01 0.75% 12 Jul 2024
AN GBP LU2386632371 113621592 97.11 2.89% 12 Jul 2024
AQG GBP LU2081485596 51132454 94.06 2.99% 12 Jul 2024
AQHNG (hedged) EUR LU2081486487 51132510 91.75 2.16% 12 Jul 2024
AQHNG (hedged) USD LU2403268092 114481675 96.33 3.05% 12 Jul 2024
AQI GBP LU2081485919 51151249 95.89 2.91% 12 Jul 2024
AQN GBP LU2081486057 51151278 97.80 2.89% 12 Jul 2024
AQNG GBP LU2081485679 51132474 93.30 2.98% 12 Jul 2024
G GBP LU2081485240 51132430 107.00 2.99% 12 Jul 2024
HI (hedged) EUR LU2081486560 51132543 100.48 2.00% 12 Jul 2024
HI (hedged) CHF LU2210409962 56212870 96.98 0.74% 12 Jul 2024
HI (hedged) USD LU2081487709 51155828 107.07 2.93% 12 Jul 2024
HNG (hedged) EUR LU2081486214 51132436 100.10 2.11% 12 Jul 2024
HNG (hedged) USD LU2386631993 113621000 105.18 3.10% 12 Jul 2024
N GBP LU2081485836 51151238 104.66 2.89% 12 Jul 2024
NG GBP LU2081485323 51132452 106.78 2.97% 12 Jul 2024

What are Investment Grade bonds?

Investment grade bonds are fixed income securities issued by companies with a medium or high credit rating from a recognised credit rating agency, which are considered to be at lower risk from default than those issued by companies with lower ratings.

Bond investors face ‘asymmetric risk’ when making investments, in that the expected loss associated with a company defaulting on a bond is typically greater than the expected return on the security should the company repay the debt as planned.

Investment grade bonds are those rated BBB- or higher by at least two recognised credit ratings agencies, the biggest three of which are Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch (bonds rated lower than BBB- is considered ‘speculative grade’). IG bonds achieve higher ratings because they are deemed to be at lower risk of default, meaning investors are typically prepared to accept lower yields for holding this debt than for lower rated bonds from riskier companies.

As such, strategies that keep a core allocation to investment grade securities can expect a smoother risk and return profile than those focused on the potentially higher capital gains associated with lower rated bonds.

It is important to note that TwentyFour does not rely on the judgment of external ratings agencies to determine whether one bond is riskier than another. Portfolio managers conduct their own rigorous credit analysis on every potential investment, regardless of the company or bond’s rating.

TwentyFour’s investment grade strategies are designed to be held as a core fixed income allocation that can deliver steady, repeatable returns throughout the economic cycle.

Why invest?


More liquid

Investment grade bonds are widely held by institutional investors, so they tend to be more liquid and less volatile than lower rated bonds.

Higher yields

They offer higher yields compared to investment grade government bonds.

Low default risk

Relatively low default risk means investors can have greater certainty on expected returns.



The investment grade bond universe offers extensive diversification, with virtually every corporate sector represented in the global market.

Steady income

Investment grade bonds have the potential to provide steady income

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