TwentyFour strengthens team ahead of 10-year anniversary

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TwentyFour Asset Management, the London-based specialist fixed income investor, has made a number of additions to its portfolio management team as the firm approaches its 10th anniversary this month.

Charlene Malik joins the Multi-Sector Bonds team and will work on portfolio optimisation, having spent nearly seven years working in credit sales at Citigroup. Pauline Quirin joins the Asset-Backed Securities team, having previously worked as a junior portfolio manager for fixed income at Twenty First Capital. Johnathan Owen joins the Outcome Driven team, having previously completed an internship at Baillie Gifford and earned a Master’s Degree from Edinburgh University.

The appointments follow that of Dillon Lancaster, who joined the Multi-Sector Bonds team in March, having completed internships at NS Partners and Baylor Klein.

They strengthen the capacity and knowledge base of TwentyFour’s portfolio management team, which has now grown to 24 investment professionals across the Multi-Sector Bonds, Asset-Backed Securities and Outcome Driven business lines.

The expansion of the team will support TwentyFour’s rapid progress ahead of its 10th anniversary this month, with assets under management now at £13.9 billion ($17.9 billion) just over 12 months since hitting £10 billion for the first time.

TwentyFour is also in the advanced stages of making a senior appointment to its New York portfolio management team, who will lead the firm’s ongoing expansion in the US market in 2019. As many as six hires are expected in the US in 2019 across various business functions.

Robert Arnold, a portfolio manager on the Multi-Sector Bonds team who managed a portion of the firm’s US high yield portfolios, has left the firm.

TwentyFour welcomes the first intake from its graduate training programme in September, with three candidates beginning their 16-month rotations. The graduate programme, launched in April 2018, offers roles in the Portfolio Management, Operations and Sales & Marketing teams. Successful applicants have immediate and regular contact time with senior management, giving them unrivalled training and hands-on experience designed to launch their careers in asset management. Candidates are fast-tracked to their preferred business area with rotations across all business functions, providing a critical understanding of how an asset management business operates.

TwentyFour Asset Management is a specialist fixed income investor based in the City of London, and a boutique of the Swiss-based Vontobel Group.

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