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TwentyFour Asset Management

Fixed Income Festival

15-16th September 2021 | Virtual Event

TwentyFour Asset Management's annual conference took place virtually for the second year running on September 15 & 16, with hundreds of attendees tuning in live for interactive sessions with TwentyFour's portfolio management team.

Spread across two days, Fixed Income Festival 2021 covered all the biggest issues facing bond investors today, from inflation and the speed of the new economic cycle to the market impact of ESG investing.

Every festival session is now available on demand here, alongside a huge library of on-demand content recorded exclusively for the event by TwentyFour PMs.


Available On Demand Sessions


Day One

15th September 2021


Keynote Speaker

Mark Holman, TwentyFour CEO, Partner and Portfolio Manager

Guest Speaker

Matthew Hornbach, Global Head of Macro Strategy at Morgan Stanley

Live Q&A

Mark Holman and Matthew Hornbach will be joined by Partner and Portfolio Manager Felipe Villarroel to answer attendee questions. 


Day Two

16th September 2021


Multi-Sector Session

Gary Kirk, Charlene Malik, and Bryan Bushnell

Asset-Backed Securities Session

Aza Teeuwen, Doug Charleston and Rob Ford

ESG and Sustainability at TwentyFour

Graeme Anderson, Johnathan Owen and Nicola Pearson 

Investment Grade Session

Chris Bowie, Gordon Shannon, Diana Chiu, Jack Daley, and Elliot Bussey

ESG & ABS Session

Ben Hayward, Elena Rinaldi, and Alistair Wilson