Charlene Malik, Portfolio Management, outlines the significance of active engagement within the ESG process at TwentyFour, and provides some examples of our recent engagements.
Johnathan Owen, Portfolio Management, discusses the notable improvements seen in ESG disclosures over the past 24 months, categorising them into three main aspects; environmental, social and governance.
Gordon Shannon, Partner and Portfolio Management, highlights climate change as one of the main topics which gathers a tremendous amount of attention within ESG investing, discussing the Paris Agreement, lack of data and poor transparency.
Elena Rinaldi, Portfolio Management, discusses how banks have benefited from many years of ultra-cheap financing from central banks – which is now coming to an end and giving way to a more dedicated capital market funding needs - and touches on what the results of these changes are.
Dillon Lancaster, Portfolio Management, provides an update on European banks and AT1s and the bout of volatility they suffered earlier this year, following the US regional bank crisis and Credit Suisse.