Non-Executive Director and Chair Ashley Paxton
Mr Paxton is a Guernsey resident and has worked in the financial services sector for nearly 30 years, with deep sectoral experience supporting listed funds in both London and Guernsey throughout that time. He trained as a Chartered Accountant with MacIntyre & Co in London before moving to KPMG’s financial services group upon qualification in 1996. He moved to Guernsey in 2002 having accepted an audit partner appointment with KPMG in the Channel Islands. In 2008, Mr Paxton transitioned from audit and developed a Channel Islands advisory practice for the firm, growing it into a full taxonomy of services across transactions, restructuring, management and risk consulting. He remained as C.I. Head of Advisory for the firm through to his retirement in 2019.
Mr Paxton holds a number of Non-Executive Directorships across the financial services sector, including the listed fund sector. He also plays an important role in the local third sector as chairman of the Youth Commission for Guernsey & Alderney.
Mr Paxton is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and holds an Economics degree from the University of Warwick. Mr Paxton was appointed to the Board on 1 November 2021.