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Income is back

Why now for ABS: healthy consumers and attractive income

A resilient consumer is key for any well-functioning market, but it is particularly important for asset-backed securities (ABS), and currently consumers are proving remarkably strong. The ABS market can sometimes look like a confusing alphabet soup of acronyms, but we believe the benefits right now are clear.



Funds in focus

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Monument Bond Fund
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Asset-Backed Securities
Share class Currency ISIN Valor NAV YTD As at
A acc (Net) GBP GB00B3VH8W86 15.33 4.79% 24 Jul 2024
I Acc (Gross) GBP GB00B4XMPS34 167.70 5.06% 24 Jul 2024
I Acc (Net) GBP GB00B3V5V897 161.70 5.06% 24 Jul 2024
I Inc (Gross) GBP GB00B4XCQT18 113.60 5.06% 24 Jul 2024
I Inc (Net) GBP GB00B3XVTT21 113.57 5.05% 24 Jul 2024
L Acc (Gross) GBP GB00BDD9NJ41 1.26 5.21% 24 Jul 2024
L Acc (Net) GBP GB00BDD9NG10 1.33 5.20% 24 Jul 2024
L Inc (Gross) GBP GB00BDD9NH27 1.06 5.20% 24 Jul 2024
L Inc (Net) GBP GB00BDD9NF03 1.08 5.21% 24 Jul 2024
Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Absolute Return Credit Fund
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Investment Grade
Share class Currency ISIN Valor NAV YTD As at
AHN (hedged) CHF LU1734078154 39471995 78.85 0.90% 25 Jul 2024
AHN (hedged) EUR LU1683487620 38261757 81.79 2.40% 25 Jul 2024
AI GBP LU1267852249 29030549 88.03 3.30% 25 Jul 2024
AQG GBP LU1530788402 34854330 98.37 3.38% 25 Jul 2024
AQHG (hedged) USD LU1767065979 40241908 100.27 3.43% 25 Jul 2024
AQHG (hedged) EUR LU1530788238 34854291 88.18 2.52% 25 Jul 2024
AQHN (hedged) EUR LU1331789450 30670277 91.43 2.37% 25 Jul 2024
AQHNG (hedged) USD LU1410502493 32553207 102.84 3.36% 25 Jul 2024
AQN GBP LU1331789377 30670273 104.26 3.27% 25 Jul 2024
AQNG GBP LU1368730674 31599783 98.81 3.36% 25 Jul 2024
G GBP LU1273680238 29168014 124.53 3.39% 25 Jul 2024
HG (hedged) EUR LU1925065655 45492332 105.49 2.50% 25 Jul 2024
HI (hedged) CHF LU1599320444 36446926 98.63 0.98% 25 Jul 2024
HN (hedged) EUR LU1734078238 39472001 101.86 2.42% 25 Jul 2024
HN (hedged) CHF LU2270707495 58756780 95.42 0.89% 25 Jul 2024
HN (hedged) USD LU1767066357 40236072 115.75 3.35% 25 Jul 2024
I GBP LU1267852082 29030420 123.12 3.29% 25 Jul 2024
N GBP LU1267852595 29030838 122.69 3.27% 25 Jul 2024
Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund
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Flexible Bonds
Share class Currency ISIN Valor NAV YTD As at
AH (hedged) EUR LU1380459518 31903287 90.72 4.31% 24 Jul 2024
AH (hedged) USD LU1380459609 31903318 105.36 5.29% 24 Jul 2024
AHN (hedged) EUR LU1734078311 39472004 84.24 4.70% 24 Jul 2024
AHN (hedged) CHF LU1683482407 38291774 81.83 3.19% 24 Jul 2024
AQ GBP LU1695534591 38576552 90.88 5.20% 24 Jul 2024
AQG GBP LU1322872018 30446345 93.94 5.67% 24 Jul 2024
AQH (hedged) Gross USD LU1695534674 38576554 88.01 5.23% 24 Jul 2024
AQH (hedged) Gross EUR LU1695534757 38576557 78.45 4.32% 24 Jul 2024
AQHG (hedged) EUR LU1816229899 41604558 86.37 4.78% 24 Jul 2024
AQHG (hedged) USD LU1816230046 41604564 96.91 5.71% 24 Jul 2024
AQHI (hedged) USD LU1331792082 30671527 103.09 5.63% 24 Jul 2024
AQHN (hedged) EUR LU1325135033 30514904 85.18 4.65% 24 Jul 2024
AQHNG (hedged) EUR LU1325134226 30514898 85.25 4.77% 24 Jul 2024
AQHNG (hedged) USD LU1451580523 33337877 102.61 5.70% 24 Jul 2024
AQN GBP LU1322871630 30445597 94.08 5.55% 24 Jul 2024
AQNG GBP LU1695534328 38576548 91.21 5.65% 24 Jul 2024
G GBP LU1322871713 30445634 136.16 5.67% 24 Jul 2024
H (hedged) USD LU1695535135 38576584 121.23 5.25% 24 Jul 2024
H (hedged) EUR LU1551754515 35380297 111.20 4.31% 24 Jul 2024
HG (hedged) EUR LU1717117623 39078855 111.24 4.80% 24 Jul 2024
HG (hedged) USD LU1717117896 39078859 127.08 5.77% 24 Jul 2024
HI (hedged) USD LU1325144027 30517180 143.21 5.61% 24 Jul 2024
HI (hedged) EUR LU1325141510 30515149 121.69 4.68% 24 Jul 2024
HN (hedged) USD LU1767066431 40236077 124.13 5.61% 24 Jul 2024
HNG (hedged) EUR LU1325133921 30514756 123.03 4.77% 24 Jul 2024
HNG (hedged) USD LU1695535051 38576583 127.54 5.73% 24 Jul 2024
I GBP LU1322871390 30445160 134.26 5.58% 24 Jul 2024
N GBP LU1322871556 30445263 133.87 5.55% 24 Jul 2024
NG GBP LU1322871986 30446217 135.65 5.65% 24 Jul 2024
Investment Grade
Share class Currency ISIN Valor NAV YTD As at
AHI (hedged) EUR LU2081486727 51133685 86.86 2.33% 25 Jul 2024
AHI (hedged) USD LU2210409616 56212864 103.64 3.24% 25 Jul 2024
AHI (hedged) CHF LU2210410036 56212872 91.12 0.87% 25 Jul 2024
AN GBP LU2386632371 113621592 97.37 3.17% 25 Jul 2024
AQG GBP LU2081485596 51132454 94.33 3.29% 25 Jul 2024
AQHNG (hedged) EUR LU2081486487 51132510 91.96 2.40% 25 Jul 2024
AQHNG (hedged) USD LU2403268092 114481675 96.60 3.34% 25 Jul 2024
AQI GBP LU2081485919 51151249 96.15 3.19% 25 Jul 2024
AQN GBP LU2081486057 51151278 98.07 3.17% 25 Jul 2024
AQNG GBP LU2081485679 51132474 93.56 3.26% 25 Jul 2024
G GBP LU2081485240 51132430 107.30 3.28% 25 Jul 2024
HI (hedged) EUR LU2081486560 51132543 100.71 2.23% 25 Jul 2024
HI (hedged) CHF LU2210409962 56212870 97.09 0.85% 25 Jul 2024
HI (hedged) USD LU2081487709 51155828 107.38 3.23% 25 Jul 2024
HNG (hedged) EUR LU2081486214 51132436 100.31 2.33% 25 Jul 2024
HNG (hedged) USD LU2386631993 113621000 105.47 3.38% 25 Jul 2024
N GBP LU2081485836 51151238 104.95 3.18% 25 Jul 2024
NG GBP LU2081485323 51132452 107.08 3.26% 25 Jul 2024

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