Spotlight on ESG: A changing climate in Fixed Income

Watch 49 min

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is one of the most talked about and fastest growing disciplines in our industry at present. Mainstream forms of sustainable investment are a welcome development, driven by the search for better long-term financial value, and a pursuit of a better alignment of values. Growing asset owner demand, asset manager services and ESG dominating the international policy agenda have all had a part to play in fostering sustainable finance. 

For fixed income investors, the ESG landscape has changed significantly over the past few years; not only in size, but also in terms of the variety of instruments and the growing importance of ESG factors. However, this has not come without challenges, especially when ESG goals have become even more ambitious.

Partner and Portfolio Manager, Chris Bowie & Portfolio Manager, Johnathan Owen hosted a Spotlight on ESG: A Changing Climate in Fixed Income webinar, which explored how the ESG landscape has changed within fixed income.

The update was followed by a Q&A session.




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