

TwentyFour is committed to responsible environmental practices. We acknowledge that environmental issues including climate change present some of the most important issues facing the world today. We acknowledge that many measures that lead to lower CO2 emissions also reduce other environmental effects, such as resource consumption and air pollution and we attach great importance to this issue across all our business activities. 

We work with our building management company to track and reduce landfill waste, with the ultimate aim to recycle over 95% of the office’s waste products. When disposing of our waste, all paper products are sent for recycling. Special waste such as fluorescent light tubes, and print cartridges are also collected separately.

Our building energy is derived from renewable sources, and we have intelligent lighting systems and other environmentally friendly construction features. Furthermore, the Firm calculates carbon emissions, including commuting from its staff, and offsets these with an investment with carbonfootprint.com.

Additionally, TwentyFour supports flexible working and greener commuting, to further reduce our carbon footprint.