

At TwentyFour, diversity, equity and inclusion is intrinsic to our values and culture of respect.

We aim for our workforce to be truly representative of all sections of society. We strive to cultivate an environment where staff feel a sense of belonging and psychological safety, where they are able to give their best and truly thrive. As a business we understand the role we play in driving societal change and awareness, and how this must influence the sector we work within. A core tenet of our investment philosophy is that a diversity of experience provokes a diversity of views, which can help us to capture excess returns and mitigate risks. 

Operating in a dynamic marketplace, it is essential we remain agile and continually update our skills and knowledge. This is achieved through a number of routes, tailored to each individual’s role and strengths. We get to know our people as people, crafting development opportunities though rotations, internal training, mentoring, and access to external courses and funded professional qualifications.

Our people are what make TwentyFour unique, and we are proud that our approach ensures we have a diversity of experience and capabilities, creating the best opportunities for our clients and each other. Our collaborative and forward thinking approach to people brings many advantages, making TwentyFour a place where people enjoy what they do, and do it exceptionally well.